About us

Ultra-Vision Vet Co. specializes in veterinary ophthalmology, providing professional eye care products for veterinarians in Taiwan and other Asian countries. Our products include:

  • Implants
  • Consumables
  • Diagnostic and Surgical Instruments
  • Solutions to treat the animal eye diseases

Our comprehensive portfolio meets the needs of veterinary eye care professionals and helps them navigate the complex healthcare landscape.

As an authorized distributor of well-known brands in the veterinary field, we are proud to offer a wide range of products carefully designed to meet the varied requirements of veterinary eye care professionals. Our brands include:

Aventix (Optixcare eye drops and medical materials)

Alger Companies (diamond burr)

An-Vision (IOLs, ERG, surgical consumables)

Bausch Lomb (Contact Lenses)

icare (Tonovet)

i-med (I-DROP)

OASIS (Soft Shield)

RetinoGraphics (ERG and precision illuminator)

USIOL (Surgical consumables)

Vetrix (BioSIS and Amniotic Eye Drops)

V.O.S. (implants)

Ultra-Vision Vet Co. is dedicated to its business and actively engages in public affairs, focusing on turning professional knowledge into educational initiatives. We partner with the Taiwan Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology (TSVO) and the Asian Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ASVO) to offer continuing education courses, enhancing veterinarians’ skills in ophthalmic care.

Through education and training, we aim to improve veterinarians’ technical proficiency, ultimately enhancing the eye health of animals. Beyond supplying products, we advocate for veterinary ophthalmology to create a better medical environment for animals and veterinarians.


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